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    HONG's GM position application


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    HONG's GM position application Empty HONG's GM position application

    Post by hong Fri May 14, 2010 10:32 am

    Real Name:Amos



    How long have you played Maple Story?
    I played maple for 6years since MapleGlobal still accepts Singapore's
    ip,after that when MapleGlobal restarted and blocks Singapore's ip
    users,I started playing MapleSEA from the grand opening of the server.

    Do you have any GM Experience?
    Yes I do,as I opened a private server before,the server is called
    SunShineMS,which I think its not popular as I only open the server for a
    few months,and one more unnamed server which is v0.52,lots of
    disconnections during v0.52 though,I had been a GM in 2 servers
    before,once in v0.55 and once in its like private servers had
    improved since v0.55,as during v0.55 alot lags and disconnections

    What do you consider Hacking? And how would you prevent it?
    What I think is that hacking its like causing everyone's trouble,lets
    say like the hacker vacuums monsters somewhere,and the monsters will be
    like so called gone,and the monster will be back on their platform only
    when the server restart,or GM noticed and use the !killall
    command,hacking also causes server to crash,and causes rollbacks,so i
    really do not like prevent it,I will have to be a GM,use hide
    skill,track for !onlineusers,tracking everyone down to see what are
    they really doing for every 20-30mins,after that banned them straight
    away if they are caught hacking,if possible,ip banned.

    How dedicated are you to this server? And how long are you able to play
    per week?
    I will play everyday without fail as i am currently nt studying nor

    How would you help the server and/or it's players?
    I will help the players if they are stuck into some bug,or unable to
    login,help the players to get rid of hackers so they can train

    Why should we pick you ahead of other applicants?
    I am active,friendly,helpful,and I had been a hacker before,so I know
    who is hacking and who is not hacking with my hacking experiences for
    4years and 5 years of MapleStory experience.

    Would you ban your friends or family if they were breaking the rules?
    Yes I will as they had offended the rules in this server,as I know hows
    the feeling like when someone don't obey rules in your server as a owner
    of the server,I will not hesitate to ban all hackers
    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    HONG's GM position application Empty Re: HONG's GM position application

    Post by xSiBK x3 Fri May 14, 2010 12:21 pm

    As you probably know, this application is denied, due to the server is closed (:

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    Age : 29
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    HONG's GM position application Empty Re: HONG's GM position application

    Post by Alex Sat May 15, 2010 4:13 pm

    Bothers the hell out of me when people apply but have not played. Mad

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