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    Application Format

    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

    Posts : 630
    Skittles : 6005
    Reputation : 22
    Join date : 2010-03-06
    Age : 28
    Location : Uppsala, Sweden

    Character sheet
    Application Format Left_bar_bleue155/255Application Format Empty_bar_bleue  (155/255)

    Application Format Empty Application Format

    Post by xSiBK x3 Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:51 am


    Things that need to be in your app:

    -Full Name
    -Time spent online
    -Previous experience
    -Server you worked for
    -Any Other Information

    -If you want to be a GFX artist/Coder, send some of you previous work to "".

    Limitless' Secret Question.
    Be Warned. This Question could make or Break You're App. I can tell alot from it. This Is Not a Joke.

    - What would you do with a Jar of Mayonaise (Be Creative.)

    Remember to use good English and proper Sentences
    Be Yourself, We want to know the Real You!
    Good Luck~


    Limitless has been known to stalk potential Gm's In-Game.
    In Gm Hide. I dont know why he Does it.

    He once even made a nub character and asked for Mesos.
    So When you may think that we dont notice the little good deeds and the bad ones. You're Wrong =]

    *** Please also put tags INFRONT of your application for easier browsing. ***
    For example [Coder] [GameMaster] [ForumMod] [GFX] etc.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:39 am