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    [BANNED] EpiK

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    Post by [BANNED] EpiK Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:08 pm

    Well Some fags been making idea's that wreck the point of this server. This server is ment to be kept GM's LIKE.

    Idea One.
    Drain the EXP Rate to 50/60.
    Add 2X Exp Coupons for sale. (Around 200Mil for 2 hours?)

    Idea Two.
    Add Gachapon Tickets.
    Allow them to be bought in cashshop.
    Sell them 50Mil Each.
    Keep the current System while including those other ones.

    Idea Three.
    Don't add Rebirths.
    The staff want rebirths.( They are the staff not the players. Players experience the gameplay, not the staff. The customer is always right ( Its a saying).
    Staff say more people will join.
    The players say they will quit, Or get more bored and pissed.
    Okay look rebirths have no target. There is no target to strive for. No one wins. No economy, fun decreased 85%, Less players.
    Rebirths will **** up the server.

    Vote on my ideas.
    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    Post by xSiBK x3 Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:14 pm

    Answers to all the questions.
    1). EXP is set to 75x because i choose for it to be so. The 2x EXP cards are bugged atm, that's why they aren't for sale + You cannot raise the price or change it to mesos.
    2). You cannot add things into the cashshop.
    3). Rebirths are going to be added. We will change our GMS-Like policy to "We Like To Lie To People About Our GMS-Likeness" if you want. And rebirths do not f uck up the server. It's people that complain and bitch all day, that f uck up our server.

    Is anyone with me, or am i all alone here?

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    Post by TobbixD Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:17 pm

    You're never alone, I don't go against tha owner =)
    And yeah Epik, We've discussed the rates alot on the forums i guess.
    But Erik decided to have 75x because he is the owner, And i agree with him ofcourse, Otherwise we'll get a problem.
    [BANNED] EpiK

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    Post by [BANNED] EpiK Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:30 pm

    Okay, Look.
    I don't care about 75 EXP.
    I like it that way.
    But if we add 2x Coupons.
    that will be 150 EXP, Abit to much.
    But look. Lieing about the GM's Like policy. Is not nice.
    Gives you bad reputation. And makes you a douchebag.
    Don't delete this thread let it stay and wait for other's opinions.

    Last edited by EpiK. on Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total
    xSiBK x3
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    Post by xSiBK x3 Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:42 pm

    I have never intended to close this thread, but when it dies, i will.
    [BANNED] EpiK

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    Post by [BANNED] EpiK Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:44 pm

    Thank you. In that case ill see if anyone is willing to view this thread via smegas.
    Ill do that tommorow, Tired now.

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    Post by Alex Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:58 pm

    Im a player. I want RBs.

    Anyways, if the x2 cards are bugged, then I am guessing nobody will have x150 EXP, right?

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    Post by RolyPoly Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:09 am

    I only joined rsms a few days ago because it was a 'gms like server.
    I actually like all of lordcooons ideas, but what if CashShop gets bugged for the gachticks?..
    The staff are not thinking of their players, only what they would think that it would be fun for themselves by adding rebirths.
    I bet once they DOO add rebirths, the server is gonna get low on people and they will all QQ(cry about it).

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    Post by Fatality Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:25 am

    i like the way you want lower exp, but still want the option to get higher exp by using your coins. that doesn't really make sense since at 75x exp it doesn't take very long at all to reach level 200 and you would only need to buy a few of those cards at max, but would probably not have the money to buy them until you actually reached 200 and whored money for a bit

    The staff want rebirths.( They are the staff not the players. Players experience the gameplay, not the staff. The customer is always right ( Its a saying).

    ha. ha. ha. you are not a customer. this is a free service. staff pays the bills and spends countless hours on developing/managing the server, they can do whatever they like

    rebirths are going to have an exp slope

    aka nobody getting super duper uber powerful in like a day

    rebirths are good (otherwise the idea would have died a long time ago) if they are controlled correctly, which will be done

    btw on your poll you forgot to include the option to only agree with one of your choices (id take the first one if it was possible, but only with rebirths)

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    Post by kidbot56 Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:33 am

    @RolyPoly the people(players) already fought about non rebirths and rebirths and guess who won Rebirths most user tat is active arledy vote and we saw that rebirths was the most voted! and if u guys want to go against Rebirths and and against the owners/admins u guys are the ones **** up the server! this is like saying if we fight each other it will go down!
    [BANNED] EpiK

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    Post by [BANNED] EpiK Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:39 am

    kidbot56 wrote:@RolyPoly the people(players) already fought about non rebirths and rebirths and guess who won Rebirths most user tat is active arledy vote and we saw that rebirths was the most voted! and if u guys want to go against Rebirths and and against the owners/admins u guys are the ones **** up the server! this is like saying if we fight each other it will go down!
    That does not matter.
    Let me give you a example,
    Remember the holocaust?
    Hitler was president, His idea was to take over other races and if no one agreed it would not happen. But the people were scared so they agreed.
    People did no It was a wrong thing to do. But they did not stand up.

    So what that relates to is that I think rebirths are bad and I'm still fighting for what I think is right.

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    Post by kidbot56 Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:45 am

    but this aint the holocaust! this is RSMS! and i believe tat we used Popular Sovereignty as in politics,we used the votes by the players and Erik didnt say VOTE YES ON REBIRTHS OR I SHUTDOWN THE SERVER OR I WILL BAN U IF U DONT VOTE YES ON REBIRTH! and we are standing up cuz we voted for rebirths and the decision was alredy made so u guys cant be complaining about OMG! Stupid fags are **** up the server cuz its not even ur server to begin with!! i still cant believe ppl are still fighting over this first it when decision was made everyone was fighting over the topic and then calmed down and i think its goin to start up again! and i really hate when this happens cuz both sides have good points!

    [BANNED] EpiK

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    Post by [BANNED] EpiK Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:22 am

    I Never said it was the Holocaust did I?
    It was a example.

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    Post by Fatality Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:45 am

    EpiK. wrote:Hitler was president, His idea was to take over other races and if no one agreed it would not happen. But the people were scared so they agreed.
    People did no It was a wrong thing to do. But they did not stand up.

    review your history, particularly the part about heinrich himmler

    and our situation is a little bit different, but good job bringing up a completely unrelated event to... support your argument?

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    Post by lmfaocj Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:13 am

    There is a lot of rebirth servers out there.... If this server was a rebirth server I would not have any reason to play it because I already have a account on a rebirth server, with more 100-120 rebirths already, it gets boring with rebirths I only really played this server because it was gmslike, no that's not the reason I played it because it was ResidentMS like, yeah I know it's only the source of RMS not the old gm's or anything but it still rocks.

    PS: I don't really care what you do with it rebirths or not I still played RMS and like the players in RMS imma rage "REBIRTHS SUCKS ASS" or something like that... there is no reason for rebirths there is alot of rebirth servers out there, (whats next All in one shops with every thing in it boring,) if that's not a AIO shop then people still won't play it because a rebirth server with out a AIO shop is pointless) and I already know how hard you guys are trying not to make it rigged well say goodbye to that...

    But as they say "GM'S CAN DO WHAT EVER THEY WANT THERE DOING ALL THE WORK." Then does that mean us players are just going to have to sit there and take it up the ass?"



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    Post by OhSnap Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:36 am

    I actually am against rebirths but the decision has already been made has it not
    This debate over the same topic for the _th time is pretty pointless.
    & I do agree with players being crucial to a server but really..
    if the owner isnt happy with his own server and features everything is half assed and could result in it just shutting down.
    ps. "GMS-like" can mean many different things [which can also include rb] but perhaps for now that should be removed from the gtop desc.

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    Post by lmfaocj Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:58 am

    OhSnap wrote:I actually am against rebirths but the decision has already been made has it not
    This debate over the same topic for the _th time is pretty pointless.
    & I do agree with players being crucial to a server but really..
    if the owner isnt happy with his own server and features everything is half assed and could result in it just shutting down.
    ps. "GMS-like" can mean many different things [which can also include rb] but perhaps for now that should be removed from the gtop desc.
    Yeah I agree..

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    Post by RolyPoly Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:21 pm

    Rebirths give no point of playing, all you do is level
    'OHHH200WHOOT*REBIRTH*'and it keeps repeating after like what..the 10th
    rebirth it gets pretty fakshit boring and people quit.
    Also there are LOADS of rebirth&highrate servers already as lmfaocj already stated, which will make the server less unique.
    I recon this server should make a second vote on rebirths because i bet most gms orwhatever the fak you wanna call them voted on rbs.

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    Post by Alex Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:12 pm

    Stop flaming each other before I lock the post...

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    Post by TobbixD Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:25 pm

    Okay guys, i'll give you my REAL opinion about this.
    I bet you all loved to play DMS(You know wich server i mean if you played it.)
    Low-rate in my opinion is the best for Private servers.
    I love giving players challanges like GMS-LIKE but i do changes with it, Put the rates around 30x or less, And vote for NX etc.
    But no all in one shop.

    So my opinion is:
    -GMS like (30x exp or less)
    -Vote for NX
    -Gachapons available in Cash shop again(Money earning if the drop rates go low)
    -More challanging economy, Lower drop rates, harder to earn money.

    The reason why i'm giving you my opinion is: Most players won't leave , I honestly say that i wouldn't train and stuff if i wasn't a GM.

    But it's all up to Erik and i do not go against him.
    xSiBK x3
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    Post by xSiBK x3 Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:19 pm

    IF we lower the rates, i will need to reset all the mesos and levels.

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    Post by TobbixD Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:20 pm

    I'll get up a thread =)

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    Post by Oath Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:46 pm

    Wouldn't mind a total wipe.
    Maybe those who actually got to lvl 200 should have something special.

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