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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?


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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:21 pm

    I cant do it with tuts -.-
    I also want to learn how to code and all of that, so... yea.
    Video plz :3

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Oath Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:45 pm

    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue155/255Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (155/255)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by xSiBK x3 Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:08 pm


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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:22 pm


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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:16 pm

    I get this error:
    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Error1

    I will delete this post due to double posting. Help me first Surprised
    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue155/255Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (155/255)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by xSiBK x3 Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:23 pm

    Did you put the java str files in the right spots?

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:02 pm

    I think o-o
    I never did the the DIRECT download for 6_17
    So I was stuck with 6_18
    Is that maybe why?
    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue155/255Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (155/255)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by xSiBK x3 Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:39 pm

    I use v18 aswell. It does not matter.

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:07 pm

    Is it that msvcr71.dll

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:16 am

    It is purely a msvcr71.dll error.

    Ive redownloaded it, scanned it, everything.
    I give up.
    I blame Win 7 x64 for this..
    xSiBK x3
    xSiBK x3

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue155/255Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (155/255)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by xSiBK x3 Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:48 pm

    Ohh, win 7 is totally fked up.
    Go to the start menu, then right click the "my computer" and press properties.
    Then, go to "advanced system setings" and press "environment variables".
    Go to "system variables" and scroll down to "path". Press it, and then press edit.
    When the little box opens up, go to the end, and paste this in:
    ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin

    And that should work.

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:18 pm

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Untitl10
    Now I get this?

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Left_bar_bleue0/0Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Alex Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:24 pm

    Nevermind the top post, for I fixed it.

    Now my login hypes up when I go to log in, account or not.

    It is telling me to use the Strength files, which I have already put into my java folders.

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

    Post by Limitless Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:43 am

    You missed one.

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    Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75? Empty Re: Can somebody make a video of how to make a v75?

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